How to Save More Money in 6 Months

how to save more money

Wondering how to save money in 6 months? Especially, how to save more money?

A good way to do this is to create what is known as a savings calendar. In this article we give you some tips on how to create one.


Don’t know how to save more money?

Because inflation has risen so much, and wages have not grown at the same rate, more and more people are finding it difficult to make ends meet. It is important to save in order to be covered for any kind of unexpected eventuality that may arise.

Top tips on how to achieve this with a savings calendar

1. Set budgets accordingly

The first step to saving for real is to

  • set a budget to determine exactly what your income is.
  • indicate on the calendar the exact day on which you receive it (e.g. when you get your salary).
  • count your expenses and adjust the money you receive.

A calendar will give you a better overview of your money history; in other words, you will have more information to estimate your financial situation for the future. This is an important step on the road to saving more money.

  • Tip: Reminders are reminders that can be set at any time. Their main particularity is that they allow us to anticipate expenses, preventing them from catching us by surprise.


2. Determine timeframes

Continuing with this list of ideas on how to save more money using a calendar, let’s talk about the importance of deadlines.

The only way to really save money is to set deadlines to achieve certain goals.

  • set deadlines for achieving certain goals. These deadlines should also be indicated on the calendar so that you can keep them in mind at all times.

This will serve two purposes:

a) As motivation: so that you always have an extra push to achieve your goals.

b) As a reminder: you will never lose sight of what your goals are.

3. Write down due dates

It is always advisable to pay bills as they come in, but, due to cash flow problems, this is not always possible.

Another idea that can help you to know how to save more money is to

  • write down the due dates of each of your bills. Make a visible note in your calendar that you can easily recognise and cannot miss.

One of the advantages of being on time with your payments is that you can improve your credit history. In the future, if you need to take out personal loans, it will be much easier to get them granted.

4. Schedule a no-spending day

Continuing with this list of tips on how to save money fast, we would like to recommend that you schedule a day when you don’t spend any money at all.

This can help you to have some extra money for a special day, or for the week ahead.

There are many no-cost plans, such as going for a walk, hiking, jogging, having fun with friends.

We know that it may require a high sacrifice, but it will be worth it considering the rewards.


5. Pay close attention to the seasonality of offers

One technique that works very well on how to save more money is to pay close attention to bargains.

There are certain days that should be well marked on the calendar, such as the famous Black Friday sales day. If you want to make a major purchase, it may be worth waiting for that day, as you can find some great deals.

The same goes for the sales season. However, this trick of how to save money every month will only work if you only buy what you need; if you use the sales season to spend compulsively, you will only lose what little you have been able to save.


6. Write down the day you are going shopping

Continuing with this list of tips on how to save more money, we encourage you to mark on the calendar every time you go shopping. This will allow you to get an idea of your frequency.

You can try to extend this periodicity as much as you can: for example, instead of going shopping every 7 days, do it every 8 days.

This will allow you to make better use of the food you have at home, as well as avoiding waste.

how to save more money

With these 6 tips on how to save money if I earn little with a savings calendar you will be able to make a difference. If you are conscientious, and integrate them as habits, you will see how you manage to apply these tricks to know how to save money at home.

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